Try This Before You Buy Gravel - Driveway Revival

Duration: 4:56 - Views: 147058 How to Refresh An Overgrown Driveway Without Adding GravelThis established overgrown driveway is about to be transformed without adding any gravel.Bradley at Blue Cord Property Care is helping this homeowner save big on having to buy more gravel to replenish his drive by using the Ventrac Power Rake instead.The Power Rake pulverizes and refines the gravel surface with 72 carbide tips. The hydraulically powered rotor will freshen up gravel as it turns under the weeds and brings any compacted gravel to the surface.The material can be moved forward, backward, or to either side and its compact design allows the operator to work in tight areas, around corners and edges.The Power Rake excels at reviving gravel driveways that have become compacted and ruined by heavy traffic and winter conditions. One reason the Ventrac with Power Rake is perfect for this job is because of the tractor’s articulating and oscillating action combined with a light footprint. This makes it the perfect choice for delicate surfaces that would be too disrupted by a skid steer or larger tractor. Power Rake has a working width of 54 inches and can angle left and right up to 18 degrees. Angling the rake allows for material like residual weeds and overgrowth to be moved off to the side for a smooth, clean finish, leaving the gravel behind. With the addition of dual wheels to the tractor, contractors can use this attachment on job sites with slopes up to 30 degrees.Multiply your efficiency by adding the Power Bucket onto the 3-point hitch of the Ventrac. This handy attachment allows the operator to remove the weeds and overgrowth that pile up and also easily relocate gravel to fill in low spots in the drive or around the property.Products featured in this video:VENTRAC 4500: KP540 POWER RAKE: HE482 POWER BUCKET: For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac

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