Ventrac Stump Grinder Putting in the Work - Removing Tree Stumps The Easy Way

Duration: 2:52 - Views: 12263 Tree damage and tree removal often leave behind a stump that goes un-touched or is challenging to remove. Leftover stumps can require trimming around with string trimmers, or they are hard to mow around. The Ventrac stump grinder quickly and easily grinds old stumps away so new grass can be replanted.The KC180 Stump Grinder’s capability on slopes, combined with Ventrac’s reputation for versatility, make this attachment the best option for any job in any setting. The Ventrac tractor with Stump Grinder is more compact and maneuverable than most other units on the market. It’s able to access hard to reach places while still offering a ‘turf-friendly’ footprint. The Ventrac tractor is top-rated for operation on slopes up to 30 degrees, which means operators can complete stump removal on hillsides, where the competition often cannot.Dig deep and remove stumps 6 inches below the surface with this stump grinder’s sturdy carbide cutters. And even clean up is a breeze after removal with the Ventrac Power Broom and Bucket attachments.For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac

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