Pumpkins vs Fireball Turbine Launcher
Duration: 1:54 - Views: 17603
http://ventrac.com/pumpkin - First we decided to see what happens when 100 Pumpkins meet a Snowblower: https://youtu.be/FBTkjdJs04U Then we wanted to play with a giant pumpkin: https://youtu.be/Runa7TVXKpI Last year we made a tractor jump over row of giant pumpkins: https://youtu.be/f9tedbLvc7I And in this last chapter of our pumpkin saga, we decided to find out what happens when you stack over 100 pumpkins onto a pile of pallets and launch flaming tennis balls at them.Warning - This video was made with professional operators under the supervision of professionals. Accordingly, Ventrac insists that no one attempts to recreate or re-enact the activity preformed in this video.Note - Thank you for all the enthusiastic comments. For those of you concerned about this being a waste of ‘food’, these were carving pumpkins, and not food grade. That said, we at Ventrac are deeply concerned about global food production and hunger related issues. Ventrac makes significant annual contributions to organizations that are committed to helping feed those in need, both in the USA and abroad.
Playlist: Fun Tractor Videos
- 2:12
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Pumpkins vs Fireball Turbine Launcher - 0:24
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