The Fastest Way to Keep Infields Playable - Ventrac Ballpark Groomer Doing Real World Work
Duration: 4:15 - Views: 8258 The purpose of a ballpark groomer is to keep fields playable, safe, and in good condition for all those playing the game.The Ventrac Ballpark Groomer and Renovator attachments are perfect for schools and municipalities with several ball fields to maintain and limited manpower. Efficiently and regularly maintaining fields with only a single operator can save dramatically on labor costs and time. Breaking in a field in early spring with a Ventrac Ballpark Groomer and Renovator allows one operator to accomplish the task in a couple of hours, which replaces a team of volunteers that might take over a day to complete. Many people are maintaining these fields using basic equipment that does nothing more than drag the field. This is problematic because over time, a traditional drag simply pulls the dirt to the outfield and does not completely fill in low spots on the field's surface. This groomer and renovator combination assists with removing and preventing low spots, removing weed creep, performing basic field leveling, helping to dry out fields after a rainstorm, and performing basic dragging. While most Ballpark Groomers are only built for singular use, the Ventrac is a versatile tractor that can be used with a finish mower to maintain the outfield. Many schools and municipalities use a Ventrac for other applications around the property and find that the Ballpark Groomer and Renovator only saves them more time and labor. Other uses for Ventrac attachments on the ball field include the use of the Turbine Blower for drying fields off after a heavy rainstorm. The Power Bucket moves new infield mix to anywhere on the field. The Power Rake attachment is great for fields that have heavy growth and need more renovation work at the beginning of the season.Products featured in this video:VENTRAC 4500: DG550 BALLPARK RENOVATOR & DR540 GROOMER: For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac
Playlist: Ball Field Maintenance
- 3:02
Ventrac Ballpark Groomer & Renovator Introduction - 10:06
Ventrac Ballpark Groomer & Renovator Instructional Video - 3:21
From Sandlot To Dream Field - The Ultimate Ball Field Groomer - 4:02
Managing Wet Fields at a 14U Softball Tournament - 2:01
Renovating an Overgrown Baseball Field With Tractor - 1:52
Safer and Better Looking Athletic Field - 1:38
The Fastest Ventrac Mower Ever - NEW Wide Area Mower - 6:04
Striping at the Baseball Hall of Fame - 4:15
The Fastest Way to Keep Infields Playable - Ventrac Ballpark Groomer Doing Real World Work - 3:13
Contractor Maintains Ballfields and Entire School Campus with Ventrac