Golf Course With Stunning Atlantic Views Uses Most Versatile Tractor
Duration: 3:04 - Views: 4763 The Trevose Golf Club is a stunning location on the North Cornish Coastline in the Southwest of England. It's home to a 36-hole links complex, 18-hole championship course, and spectacular views of the Atlantic Ocean.With the ocean views come many steep terrains, but Trevose's Course Manager Neil says they can get to more places with their Ventrac. The Contour Mower on the Ventrac 4500 is built for precision mowing on golf courses and resorts that have challenging terrain but also require professional results.Neil says the grounds crew uses the Ventrac Contour Mower to cut the championship course's semi-rough areas. Its unique three decks float independently and follow the terrain's contour with up to 40 degrees of motion for each side deck. This floating action ensures the best possible quality of cut while minimizing the scalping of the surface.Recently they have had renovations that involved a lot of re-turfing, and they've used the Ventrac Power Rake to turn over the soil for reseeding. They also use the Power Rake on the gravel drives that lead to their maintenance facilities. When the drives develop pot-holes, the Power Rake works great at recycling the material rather than buying new. It can powerfully pulverize the ground surface and eliminate gravel compaction while bringing new material to the surface, creating a revitalized path or drive.Neil's big selling point was that the Ventrac is not just a mower, they can work on other things around the golf course when not mowing, making it the most efficient piece of equipment for their golf course.Products featured in this video:VENTRAC 4500: MJ840 CONTOUR MOWER: KP540 POWER RAKE: For more information, visit Find a dealer near you! Get a FREE catalog! Subscribe here! Connect with Us!Facebook - Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac
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