Digging A Trench With A Tractor
Duration: 3:21 - Views: 7269
Digging A Trench With A TractorToday we show you how a school system uses a Ventrac 4520 and Trencher to install an electric line on an athletic field. This school system is building a brand new athletic field, and they needed to run an electric line from the scoreboard to the dugout.The difficulty with this job is going in over an existing area where a building used to stand. So there is a lot of debris underneath the surface. Over the past few weeks, there has also been a significant amount of rain, and this area is also going through a freeze/thaw, which makes the ground exceptionally wet. With the Ventrac, we are able to show you how to get the job done, in this case, digging a trench without creating more holes and ruts that you have to replace later on. This particular school already owns a 4500 and a new 4520 tractor, and they own a small fleet of basic attachments for everyday maintenance. Therefore, they are choosing to rent the trencher attachment for this particular job. Why rent attachments? An obvious advantage is that your operator is already familiar with the tractor and its controls, making it easier to operate under these circumstances.Another reason to rent an attachment for a specialty job like this is to save time and money on contracting the entire job out. Finally, closing the trench is the easiest part of the job. Using the straight blade on the front of the Ventrac provides a few benefits over other methods. The operator has the best line of sight to the job at hand using the blade on the front of the Ventrac. They can then see where to move the dirt and have less clean-up to do later. This is the easiest and fastest method for filling in and cleaning up a work area. Products featured in this video:VENTRAC 4520: https://www.ventrac.com/products/tractors/4520 KY400 TRENCHER: https://www.ventrac.com/products/attachments/ky400 KD BLADES: https://www.ventrac.com/products/attachments/kd For more information, visit https://www.ventrac.com/ Find a dealer near you! https://www.ventrac.com/dealers Get a FREE catalog! https://www.ventrac.com/contact/catalog Subscribe here! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0aiC7V2JS3nh11R5tRuIUw Connect with Us!Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ventrac/ Instagram - @ventrac_tractorsTwitter - @ventrac00:00 Project Introduction 01:10 Why Rent Attachments?01:35 Trencher Working02:23 Use the Blade to Push Dirt Back in Place03:00 Visit Our Website and Test Drive Today!song code: TAGNXACNQ5XZ6USP
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